Leave Your Tears in Moscow

Posted on May 21, 2012

Leave Your Tears in Moscow, was originally published 50 years ago. It is the story of Barbara Armonas, and her decades of imprisonment in many different Siberian gulags and prison camps. The stories in this book are utterly unbelievable. This book, at the time, received acclaim and  partial serialization in Life magazine.

In November, 2011, this book was re-published. On April 21, 2012, as part of the Hope and Spirit project, Jonas Armonas, who plays a considerable role in the book as the son of Barbara, who was also deported, and his wife Dalia, presented the history of this book. They flew in from Cleveland, Ohio. The turn-out was excellent, and their presentation was well received. In the photograph below, sitting in the center is Jonas, and immediately to the right is his wife, Dalia. The other individuals are the extended Armonas family, along with members of the staff of the Balzekas Museum of Lithuanian Culture, and myself.